We will continue to manage our investment by growing all of these brands through renewed marketing and product innovation, said Dario Margve, Managing Partner of Brynwood VI and Chairman of High Ridge Brands. I too was a Coast lover, who noticed the changeover to Pacific Force, but gave up when I could not find the Original anymore. Then I compared the ingredients list and see that this is the same old pacific force. Thus, making the customer believe that these soaps are, at the very least, more gender neutral. We are delighted to announce the acquisition of the Coast brand, said James Daniels, President and CEO of High Ridge Brands. Why change a product that is (was) good? I have allergies to most fragrances but the original Coast never bothered me. I reacted to the body wash bad! Have not bought a pair of Levis since the early 80's either, but my Walmart $8.00 denims are soft and work fine. There was a yellow/gold colored Coast called SunSplash or something like that. Try Bed Bath and Beyond for a better bath bar. It had been my favorite soap and as you know, its gone..the last ones I found were about 9 months ago at a dollar store. My response. Not only did they ruin the original amazing fragrance that I loved waking up to every morning, they also shrunk it down from a nice big long- lasting block to a this wafer that breaks after just a few uses. 4. Take Irish Spring shavings and sprinkle them around your plants. entitled to the same size bars that last the life of the bar. Was real excited to happen to see the Throwback version of coast at store the other day I bought a pack thinking it was the Coast of my youth! Irish Spring has just 7 sents on offer, including one for sensitive skin (Aloe Mist Deodorant Bar Soap) and for those who are competitive in sports (Sports Strength Antibacterial Bar Soap). Disclosure: If I'm not making money through affiliate links on the post you're currently reading, it's an oversight on my part and will be corrected soon. I have 2 vintage bars in the wrappers. Learn more about our history. Can i get it! I already did. Whoever took over Dial Corp are shady and unprincipled. I just bought a three pack of Coast. I had used coast soap for 20 years and was not pleased with their new design which whittled part of the bar of soap away supposedly to fit the palm of your hand..What it really does is give you less soap for the same amount of money and what really ticks me off is when the bar of soap gets a little over half-way used it breaks in half because it is too thin in the middle and now you have two small pieces of soap which I go not like. But is it my imagination or does this soap bar wear out unusually fast? Think I'll run a check on Irish Spring now, just out of curiosity. There is a spot at the bottom of the Throwback Coast page where you can contact the manufacturer. X phng Irish Spring; 10. Triclocarban is used in many popular bar soaps, liquid hand soaps, body washes, and other products including Dial, Safeguard, Zest, Coast, and Irish Spring. I have been going crazy trying to get the BLUE. Ive looked and looked and its like it never existed. What's up with that? Philip:I actually don't understand how most of your argument is supposed to bein oppositionto the soap. I called the Dial company today and the person on the telephone told me the only difference between the new version and the old version was the packaging. Battle of the Old School Bar Soaps. Lola, SunSpray Coast has been discontinued since the 90s. How is thisthe place you turn to for expertise in not smelling when you're sweaty? I am so glad there are others who miss the Original Coast Blue as much as I do! My family couldn't understand why Coast would change that terrific scent. Irish Spring original soap scent. I tried others with no luck only to come back to coast It feels like the eye opener went away thou lol. . Great, revitalizing scent, helps retain your skin's natural moisture. Coast was my favourite for decades. What's great about the Internet is that it enables people like me to find others in the same boat. X Bng Thm Enchanteur; 7. Good Luck! I really loved that soap and when i called the company, they dont even have a history of it. This is punctuated by their green packaging and water graphics. Not Coast. I am so glad to know there are others out their. Irish Spring Moisture Blast Bar Soap. In Summary: The true answer to the question is that Irish Spring soaps can be toxic, depending on your skin sensitivity. Some name brands . [] Missy Ward on Original Coast Soap [], Original Coast Blue available by the case on eBay. I just found a bunch of the old coast at bed bath and beyond for a mere $2.47 for a set of 3 bars. Lather and wash skin. $18.99. Try that instead of growling over something petty. GC, coast soap. Active Scrub - Exfoliating Bar Soap - Irish Spring. Boycott all their products until the bring it back. I also keep fresh bars on my nightstand , in my car and next to my computer monitor at work. Place two cubes in a bag and tightly close it. OMG I didnt know this many people cared for or love Coast (original of course) like I do too. Now that i found this page i see the back of my mind has came forth, and its not just me. Going by each of the companys basic bar soaps, they each have similar ingredients. But the most important thing is the aroma, which has been produced by the same Irish family for centuries (probably), a family that picks nearby clover and digs up local peat to give the soap its distinctive and pleasant odor. I just found out that the original coast is gone a sad day for me, no wonder I could never find it. I then lived overseas for several years and was just now looking for it on Amazon and was surprised that they don't make it anymore. Get that crisp, classic scent you love with Irish Spring Original Deodorant Bar Soap. I do not use pretentious soap. For the last 10 years I buy a whole packet of coast which lasts about two weeks total. So, that using it will not necessarily harm your health. Currently, it is not available through Amazon. Only to find while i was showering it has a oily feel. I would love to see your artwork. I can't stand it. There is only one Mountain Dew! Yes I just saw some of this at Wal Mart.is this the original stuff? Affiliate Summit East 2020 Has Been Postponed, Feedfront Magazine Issue 46 Now Available for Download, Anne Kadet thinks affiliate marketing is so easy that dogs can do it, Audience Conference: A Must-Attend Event, http://www.gcimagazine.com/business/marketers/acquisitions/145925325.html, http://www.facebook.com/pages/Bring-Back-Coast-Original-Soap/144979265585469?v=wall, http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&, http://marstokyo.com/coastsoap1.jpg"width=200>, http://marstokyo.com/coastsoap2.jpg"width=200>. I have a call in to the company! I live in Milton, Ontario, Canada where coast Original Scent has gone the way of the Dodo for several years. 1. Its invigorating scent opens your eyes while its thick, rich lather leaves you feeling fresh and clean. I did find 6 bars in a Walgreens a few weeks ago. Which is better and closer to the Original Coast? Irish Spring, unlike your pretentious soap, is direct about what it is: a cleaning product that smells great. You struck gold my friend. 2,614 Best Answers: 462 Trophy Points: 710 Digital Goods: 29 #1 Everyone will be happy to know that I now have Irish Spring soap again. The way this new version's scent kinda reminds me of how Coast smelled before Dial started toying with it. The average low is 50! X phng Lifebuoy; 6. I am lucky to get 2-3 showers before it breaks in half. Let us all know what you think of the Walgreens soap. Irish Spring Original bar soap delivers the gentle and caring formula you love, with a fresh, clean, and invigorating scent to leave you refreshed. I have used Coast soap for years and because I only use Coast when I got married 20 years ago my wife switched and all 4 kids are now loyal users. CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser Bar. Go back to the original. I think everybody should write to the company and complain. Irish Spring Soaps, on the other hand, seems to be going for a more gender-neutral tone. Required fields are marked *, document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a2d3f56b331db07cedc802e62f5eec5d" );document.getElementById("gaf29d63a7").setAttribute( "id", "comment" );Comment *, 2022 Manscipated.com / About / Contact / Privacy Policy / Accessibility Statement / Disclaimer / Degree Deodorant & Aluminum. Is this supposed to pass for some cockamaimie ergonomic design? It really pisses me off that they took a chunk out of the bar and tried to say it was ergonomic or something like that == What a rip == When I used the old Coast it felt like it tingled or fizzed a little == The new shit sucks == And that company brags about how they acquired ( sorry if I spelled it wrong ) 14 or 15 companies or products == What they should have said is they RUINED not acquired these companies == I think someone should find out the original ingrediants and make the old Coast == I would buy it and gladly pay more == I would pay 5 or 6 bucks a bar == $ 10 if I had to === Honestly I would pay $ 25 for a bar if anybody wants to sell me one , just for that good old clean fresh feeling for a little while ====. I am too picky about my soap (original coast) so your not alone. Dove Body Wash Deep Moisture 24 oz, 3 Pack. So you can imagine my rising anxiety level LOL. I wish Dial would sell it and let Prestige bring back the Original that everybody wants! NONSENSE! Cute. The aroma hovers like a halo above the bar and, compared to the penetrating zap of Irish Spring, its featherlight whiffs of scent float peacefully through the air. Thats when I found it at Walgreens. We are excited to make another acquisition in the personal care space and to add to our very successful High Ridge Brands business. Well, when it comes to ingredients, this brand includes toxic fragrances in its products. Elle: The stupid waterfall is what makes the whole concept of Irish Spring so ludicrous. Elle: Every time my brother visits from the Army he leaves behind a barbaric loaf of putrid green in our shower. This will not only help you decide which soap brand is best for you but also which type of soap you should get. We too love the old coast soap and can no longer find it. . Does irish spring soap keep mice away? I showered twice tonight! The lather is clearly weaker and the scent is weaker and somehow different! Eliminates 99.9% of bacteria. Since January 2011, the firm has successfully completed the acquisitions of 14 corporate brands in five separate transactions. Actually I DO miss the original butIll take whatever coast I can get! Brynwood Partners has developed a unique niche of being the lower middle market firm of choice for corporate divestitures. Feels like acid on my skin so i threw it all away. Some brands can cause rashes, while others can even cause sores. Arrives by mon, oct 18 buy irish spring deep action scrub deodorant soap, 3 ct at walmart.com. This means that the end user can have as many or as few options as they like. I googled "coast soap shape" because the the coast bars I've been using break in two after about 4 showers. I returned to using Coast a few months ago after having fallen away from it for a number of years. and It's no where to be found! Originally launched in 1975, Coast is an iconic personal cleansing brand and known as The Eye Opener for awakening users through an invigorating and refreshing early morning shower experience. I gobbled up every bit of the Original that I could find and basically tapped out all of the availability at internet retailers. From The Manufacturer Using the strings to tie it closed. I went ahead and tried a bar of the Walgreens Ocean Fresh. i just want the original! We have been all over and we are down to our last bar. (Here is the study from the. The bar you just bought includes "MOISTURE BLAST WITH HYDROBEADS.". Coast Soap Vs Irish Spring / Memorable Commercials of the 1970s/ Classic TV : Irish spring aloe vera bar soap, body and hand soap bar washes away bacteria, 3.7 ounce, 8 bars.. I believe the company makes it that way because actually you are thinking your getting a full bar like other soap brands but your not. Irish Spring Icy Blast, Refreshing Bar Soap, 3.7 Ounce, 3 Bar Pack. I have a friend who is a long haul trucker whomI had keeping an eye out for me in the U.S. who found me the odd package of bars in his travels but he also says that supplies have dissapeared. Hey Missy, . The packaging itself is colored in lighter tones and has images that connotate a more relaxed state. I called dial corporation and also sent a letter to them saying that they have lost me as a customer.I happened to find a bar of soap at Walgreens that is right beside the Coast .It is called "Ocean Fresh" and is a Walgreens brand of soap and it says on the bar of soap " Compare to Coast ".It is in the normal shape of a bar of soap and can be used right down to the last part without breaking in half .It smells great and I really like it.I recommend that you try it. Gets dirt and grime washed off easy. I bought the one pack that was available not sure if you still look for them. Trying to keep things interesting, I guess. I would like to contact the manufacturer to see if I could purchase directly from them but theres no contact information to go to. I have been stewing for the last week or so using Coast soap. How do you get rid of the taste of toothpaste. This soap has a wonderful smell and it feels great on your skin.It also has a normal shape ( no curved shape).Buy one bar of this soap and try it and If you don't like it you have only spent about 59 cents. I was really upset, the smell was gone and it was terrible. In the end, each company has soap that is different in areas such as marketing, the number of products on offer, and the value of the packaging. That was at least6years ago. We've noted the size as well as. So in case anyone wants them, here is the link: http://tinyurl.com/cr5oud. 5. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&. It seems like if they arent going to make it anymore why cant they release the ingredients to the public and maybe someone else will make it (or maybe we could make it ourselves). Scotch moss or Irish moss grows low to the ground and has a dense, car The scent is still in it, right? Im really intrigued now as to how the Original Coast smells (Ive only used Pacific Force scent). Cost effective: Using the irish spring soap is a cost effective way to repel roaches and bugs. I immediately noticed a difference for the worse; and said to myself that I won't buy this again. It has or, at least, at one point had good advertisements in which masculine dudes wash away the grime of their blue-collar lifestyles under totally masculine waterfalls, if I am remembering those ads correctly. Paraben, phthalate & gluten free. Until they bring back the coast original. It smells like bad taste. Hal. I am taking your advice and stocking up. The one that started it all! Not that it cant r wont keep longer this is just a guideline. The eye opener. Another way that the two products are different is in the variety of soaps that are on offer. Doing some searching for Walgreens discontinued soap, I came across your email posted on MissyWard.com?
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