This set of terrible events ends with the Three Days of Darkness. They are my ten secrets. Prayer can be very powerful. Men will be placed before a choice. He seeks, therefore, those who would plead for his mercy. My daughter, the time when all public acknowledgement as to Who I Am, will become but just a faint flicker in the wick of a candle, which has burned right down to the end, is almost upon you. The visionaries of Medjugorje have said one thing that is an absolute giveaway for serious researchers. If their voices are strong and if their hearts are many, then their pleas and their sacrifices allow God to set aside divine justice, just as the pleas of Moses allowed God to turn away from his chastisements to the Israelites. 1981-2021 = 40 years. She will be with us. Pray now with quiet confidence and be assured that My prophecies will unfold at the Command of My Eternal Father. Think of it like this. Then the next 7 of the 10 secrets are the first Six Seals in the book of Revelation, and the first Six Trumpets of the Seventh Seal. To avoid this, I must speak now to prepare your hearts., There will be extraordinary divine signs, able to be seen and experienced by all. She changes us with her smile and with love. This change will be about the time that you will need to come to home Masses, and eventually Masses at My refuges. John Paul Mary (ex. This time is a time of grace for you. Continue with Recommended Cookies, Exploring the ways faith effects our lives, This is a special message given to the visionaries onSeptember 13, 1984. that means it will last LESS than another 20 years! When does reason say I am wrong? For that reason, the Blessed Virgin invites us to urgent conversion and reconciliation. The Great Sign of Medjugorje will serve as a reminder of The Great Warning Illumination of Conscience, the Great Miracle and Great Sign of Garabandal. I that you know the names of all the children who have the visions : Vicka Ivankovic, Ivanka Ivankovic, Jacov Colo, Ivan Dragicevic, Mirjana Dragicevic and Marija Pavlovic. The earliest messages from 1981-1983, recorded by the parish in Medjugorje (Information Center MIR Medjugorje,, were unfortunately confiscated and destroyed by the communists. Nothing can, nor will, stop the Final Covenant where My Son will Reign in Peace from being fulfilled. The above statement by the visionaries is true. Many do not want to come back to God and his order. Wednesday, September 21st, 2011 @ 22:00. Here are the clues that I can reveal to you all now (please use your best discernment): The visionaries of Garabandal have said that: To be complete, there must be the Warning and the Miracle. So, I want to answer her question and address some things about the chastisements and the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje in this commentary. These are the people and they include many unbelievers who will convert and who will fight to save their brothers and sisters. Three of the visionaries, Mirjana, Ivanka, and Jakov have all ten secrets and no longer see Our Lady daily. and you have become the sign for the atheists. Learn about this little village. Our Heavenly Father has revealed in the Book of Truth that He will warn His children about accepting Babylonan abomination created in hellby tilting the earth. The visionaries of Garabandal have said that: Recently, a blog follower asked me if God will tilt the earth before the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) happens. We are coming to the "end of the times" 4 (5th age or period of time) according to Our Lady at Garabandal. Your rational approaches cannot defeat the evil that is being unleashed. 2021 is the maximum. The Miracles I speak of will include great Acts of God, which will involve tragedies which will be averted and seem to have been impossible from a scientific point of view. ", Medjugorje Secrets of the Bible: 3 Wonders and the 7 Mighty Thunders Everything is now approaching. I am only awaiting the divine timing of revealing these things to mankind. If you like this website, please let know others about it, so also they could know it exists and eventually benefit from it. Three visionaries Mirjana, Ivanka, and Jakov know all secrets, but Ivan, Marija and Vicka know only nine. However, I was experiencing major spiritual warfare at the same time that this information was being conveyed to me. Instead, pray that such souls will see enlightenment. He will not stop there, for he will move at a pace which will astonish many and he will negotiate peace agreements in many war-torn nations. Sacred Scripture is filled with many examples after examples of warnings by the prophets for the people before any chastisements. August 27, 1981: We asked her [Our Lady] with respect to the sign, and she said: - Very soon, I promise you. She asked me as part of a few questions that she had about the Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy) as she was trying to discern some videos she came across. These signs will fulfill my prophecies and show to all who believe that I am present to help the human race in the time of trial., The signs will also point to all the many teachings and instructions that I have given. Will God tilt the axis of the earth before or after the Great Warning? These graces were given to me over a period of time while I was undergoing much major spiritual warfare. They will bring you to faith. I said that most of mankind would be converted to God, a nuclear war would be averted, the conditional Great Chastisement would not take place, and God would remove the antichrist from the face of the earth. It seems that only evil has power and that it will conquer all. God the Father: The antichrist is now ready to reveal himself The heavenly Father has not abandoned them. God gave him permission to try the Church for one century. Yet, even to them, these lights can be beneficial., What a moment that will be! It will be presented by the false prophet as part of his global plan to unite all religions in the world. Then, the secrets will begin to happen, announced ahead of time according to my plan. Medjugorje News & Articles April 15, 2017. The Earth, the sun and the moon will react to produce very unusual spectacles and many will know that they could only have been made possible by the Hand of God. Meanwhile, for this special writing, I am going to share some things that were revealed to me by St. Gabriel the Archangel in January. I do not know when the Second Coming of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, will happen. Heed now My prophecy. So, this fact has also infuriated him and panicked all of hell. When heaven pours out its blessings, the Church must be ready to receive. Dually consecrate with all Catholic bishops the nation of Russia to The Immaculate Heart of Mary after leading the entire Christian Church on the 5-month Peace Plan as outlined by Our Lady of Fatima; Dually proclaim the Fifth and Final Marian Dogma of Mary as Advocate, Co-Redemptrix, and Mediatrix of All Grace; and, Dually declare that the teachings and spirituality of the heavenly messages at. You are on the brink of nuclear war. How long must the visionaries persevere until the Church sees their words as so vital? Soon afterwards, he announced to Aaron, "There's a decision I have to make in my life. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. And in particular, I wrote about how important it is that Pope Francis and Pope Benedict XVI fulfill three tasks for the Glory of God: I also said in that special commentary that if these three conditions are fulfilled by Pope Francis, Pope Benedict XVI, and the Catholic Church, that God would grant many special blessings to mankind. They will lead many away from Me and for that they will be judged harshly. I hope to be able to write special commentaries about the antichrist, the Battle of Armageddon, the Eternal Law of Divine Justice, and the Three Days of Darkness, among other things, when I am given the graces from Heaven to share them with you all. Dont forget what I have said before. Where is God? they will cry out? This is the beginning stage. Trust in Me to be with you in daily Holy Communion at My refuges. The new Babylon, all will be told, is to glorify the great one, to promote the environment, to embrace mother earth and to rid the world of poverty from the riches, which will pour from its vile mouth. One persons prayers and suffering can save a nation. The antichrist is now ready to reveal himself and his plan is this. IV. Although I love the Blessed Mother very much, I still have a hard time praying Her Most Holy Rosary, as I usually spend my prayer-time singing songs off-key to God. That way she could be happy in love and in life. Jakov Colo, Ivan Dragicevic and Ivanka Ivankovic have each received nine. God will intervene because of the increased accumulation of the sinfulness of mankind and the visible breakdown of our civilization morally and governmentally. All of these events will come soon and, when the prophecies given to man from the beginning unfold, they will make perfect sense. Let me tell you the story so you will investigate the events and have your faith strengthened for the days ahead. My Divinity will be brushed to one side. She will tell a priest what should happen. This may seem unfair, but this is not for man to understand, until they are given the Gift of Knowledge, which comes from the Holy Spirit. You faithful already have signs and you have become the sign for the atheists. My words do not extend my light but his light. This sign will lead to massive conversion to the faith and the repentanc. And if what was told to me by St. Gabriel is indeed the Truth, then I will reveal more after The Great Warning has taken place, in preparation for these Great Acts of God to take place on earth before mankind. , Vatican Moves In.Popes envoy to Medjugorje begins his ministry, Medjugorje Today March 28, 2021: The powerful prayer to the Virgin Mary for the sick and against the lies of the world The darkness of lies, September 25, 2018 Medjugorje Message Soon Today ..But Do Not Forget the Seriousness of September 2, Apparition with Mitjana The Shadows of Darkness and Deception are being cast over you., Fr. June 24, 2012 That is not true faith. In the message, the Blessed Mother and Jesus reveal what the Third Secret of Medjugorje is - what the Miraculous Sign is that will be in the sky above Apparition Hill in Medjugorje. Third: A Day of the Miracle and Miracle signs. To date, three visionaries, Mirjana, Ivanka, and Jakov report they have received all ten Medjugorje secrets, while Ivan, Marija and Vicka say they have received nine secrets. Only part of Revelation will unfold at this time at the end of this fifth Church age. This Will Change Everything You Know, Emotional Video: Las Vegas Crowd Sings God Bless America One Hour Before Shooting Horror, Medjugorje: Ivanka says the Virgin Mary Told Her You go to Heaven in full conscience that which you have now. Why not bring the visionaries into the limelight? I speak so all will accept the light., Obviously, I will not come in the flesh, because this is how I came the first time. I have never wanted these strings and these bonds that have limited the flow of graces. I dedicate this special writing to Our Lady, Most Holy Queen of Heaven and of earth and the guardian angels of the world. The six Medjugorje seers are receiving ten secrets each. And I spend an awful lot of time at Confession each monthI often tell the Blessed Mother that I am the scum at the bottom of the barrel. When the priest does not use the proper words of Consecration, I will not be present in that Host, and leave that church. May also this website would be useful for you in that. Impatiently waiting for the secrets to be revealed removes our concentration from what is important. They are truly a great treasure. Many will not understand what is happening because they have set aside the things of God. Thank you for any such help, which might be more contributing then you would expect. Recently, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, revealed to Prophet John Leary (, that the apostasy of the Catholic Church starts before the Great Warning happens. It is only known by Our Heavenly Father. Then, once revealed, the antichrist collaborates with the false prophet the creation of Babylona humanitarian initiative that joins governments, economies, and religions into one global partnership. I have done all of this to give hope in the middle of the darkness. She did not come to announce our destruction; she came to save us, and with her Son, she will triumph over evil.. Then, Our Lady will permit Mirjana to reveal the contents of the Tenth Secret, but not the date to the world, along with the other Medjugorje visionaries, and Conchita of Garabandal. Thursday, January 2nd, 2014 @ 20:40., There is too much darkness and confusion in the world for anyone to see clearly. You must continue to serve Me, for there can only be one Master. Thus, people will have some time for conversion. The Great Chastisement is the gates of hell completely open on earth during Three Days of absolute Darkness while all natural laws of the universe are suspended. Those poor souls, who will remain in My Church when it has been seized by the new doctrine, will not know where to turn. After the first admonition, the others will follow in a rather short time. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Read about my apparitions. Finally, through the intervention of intercessory prayer, I was able to write my first special commentary on Easter Sunday. Take care one another because we are all brothers and sisters. My messages ask for periods of prayer every day, for frequent Communion, for monthly confession, for saying the Rosary each day, for fasting on bread and water on Wednesday and Friday. Click below for a free downloadable PDF and WordDoc copy (4 pages) of this writing: Clues About The Great Miracle And Signs Of Garabandal And Medjugorje (PDF), Clues About The Great Miracle And Signs Of Garabandal And Medjugorje (ODT), Clues About The Great Miracle And Signs Of Garabandal And Medjugorje (WordDoc), Clues About The Great Miracle And Signs Of Garabandal And Medjugorje (WordDocX), CLUES ABOUT THE GREAT MIRACLE AND These signs will call the world to repentance. She tell us that the seventh secret has already been cancelled. So, I know that there is a delicate line between discerning something being of God or of the devil. For every man who repents at this time, three more souls can be saved per man. My Love is great for all of you, but My Justice is swift and My punishment great. And in that special commentary, among other things, I described the sequence of the unveiling of the Secrets of Garabandal and of Medjugorje and how it all relates to the Marian apparitions at Fatima. O reader, do you know those messages? You must remain in union with My Son, Jesus Christ, at all times and pray that the Sacraments will be made available to you by loyal priests and clergy during the times of trials which lie before you. The Church must proclaim them with full voice. She replied,"Be converted as quickly as possible and open your hearts to God.". Then the Blessed Virgin gave her the following message in substance: "Excuse me for this, but you must realize that Satan exists. They will also involve great signs in the sky; the movement of the Earth and the colours associated with nature. Medjugorje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mar 18, 2020 / 14:40 pm A woman who claims to be a visionary of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Bosnian town of Medjugorje has said that Mary will no longer. Medjugorje Rosaries Prayers Core -- Croatian Rosary Prayer, 4. The Illumination of Conscience will bring with it a great outpouring of love from those whose names are contained in the Book of Life. Patheos has the views of the prevalent religions and spiritualities of the world. However, she said "This period is short." They are at the door. Marija, Vicka, and Ivan have nine secrets. They will be shaken out of their apathy and filled with astonishment. There are also other secrets, personal secrets for the children or for certain people who are connected with these future world events. They are not meant as curiosity pieces or objects of ridicule. I am not infallible and I never will be. My heart will triumph. The stakes are too high. . . The Polls September 4, 2009 Click the links below for more information: The Ten Secrets Of Medjugorje Day of the Miracle and Miracle signs I also said that the Great Era of Peace would descend upon the earth, which would coincide with the Second Coming of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, sometime after the Great Miracle of Garabandal has taken place. The seventh secret is said to be a punishment for humanity that has been diminished because of the response to Our Ladys requests for prayers, fasting and conversion. Many of the prophecies given in the Book of Revelation were written in a way so that people would understand them through the use of symbols. To highlight my teachings, I will contrast the two parts of Medjugorje. As the persecution of My faithful endangers your lives, then I will have your guardian angels lead you to My refuges that will be protected by My angels of the refuges. 5. You faithful must not wait for the sign before you convert; convert soon. Then, Our Lady will permit Mirjana to reveal the contents of the Tenth Secret, but, Now, let me finally address the question of a fellow blog follower. Specifically, She mentions Miracles such as the movement of the earth, etc. Fight with effective weapons glued to the news is not an effective way to fight, Holy Family School of Faith Institute, 13240 Craig Street, Overland Park KS 66213 913-310-0014 l, Inscrbase para recibir el Rosario diario. Dec 2, 2021 698 Dislike Share Mystic Post TV 61.3K subscribers The visionaries have said often that Medjugorje is the fulfillment of Fatima. What is to be done? In the great fervor of this little village of Medjugorje much has already happened. Finally, the visionary, Mirjana, has been entrusted with revealing all Ten Secrets on certain dates only known to her through a priest of her choosing. The others will follow in a rather short time it will be about the time that this was. 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Diferencia Entre Escogido Y Elegido, Dayton Daily News Centerville, Why Did Howard Leese Leave Heart, Articles M